影视人员 文恨飞
相关影视 (8)
编剧 (6)
荡寇志 1941
The Upright Bandits
小五义夜探冲霄楼 1940
The Five Swordsman's Nocturnal Tryst
薛仁贵征东 1940
Expedition to the East
王昭尹 1940
The Legend of Wang Zhaojun
筡鸣卑三探宁王府 1940
Triple Visites to the Conspirator's Residence
梦游仙境 1939
Journey to Fantasy Land
导演 (6)
妻证夫凶 1941
My Wife as a Witness
冰山火线 1941
The Flame of Glacier Mountain
荡寇志 1941
The Upright Bandits
小五义夜探冲霄楼 1940
The Five Swordsman's Nocturnal Tryst
薛仁贵征东 1940
Expedition to the East
筡鸣卑三探宁王府 1940
Triple Visites to the Conspirator's Residence
1941 (3)
妻证夫凶 1941
My Wife as a Witness
冰山火线 1941
The Flame of Glacier Mountain
荡寇志 1941
The Upright Bandits
编剧 , 导演
1940 (4)
小五义夜探冲霄楼 1940
The Five Swordsman's Nocturnal Tryst
编剧 , 导演
薛仁贵征东 1940
Expedition to the East
编剧 , 导演
王昭尹 1940
The Legend of Wang Zhaojun
筡鸣卑三探宁王府 1940
Triple Visites to the Conspirator's Residence
编剧 , 导演
1939 (1)
梦游仙境 1939
Journey to Fantasy Land