影视人员 汪福庆
相关影视 (28)
编剧 (8)
杀人王 1940
The King of Killers
桃花命 1939
A Life of Romances
金丝蝴蝶 1939
Golden Butterfly
女摄青鬼 1939
The Lady Ghost
庄子试妻 1939
Chuang Tzu Tests His Wife
销魂大姐 1938
Pretty Lady
舍子奉姑 1938
Sacrifice of a Son
女人经 1938
Women's Bible
制片 (2)
火烧石室 1939
Burning of the Stone Mansion
扫把精 1939
Spirit of the Broom
监制 (1)
续扭纹柴 1939
The Overbearing Mother-in-Law (Part 2)
导演 (25)
痴儿女(下集) 1943
Stubborn Lovers (Part 2)
痴儿女(上集) 1943
Stubborn Lovers (Part 1)
麻婆寻仔 1941
A Mother's Madness
左慈戏曹操 1941
The Witty Taoist Master
红粉佳人 1941
My Beauty
洪承畴 1940
Seduction on the Plains
梅花落 1940
Fall of the Plum Blossoms
望夫山 1940
The Faithful Wife
杀人王 1940
The King of Killers
雍正皇夜盗香妃 1940
The Emperor's Nocturnal Tryst with the Concubine
大破白莲教 1939
The White Lotus Menace
桃花命 1939
A Life of Romances
女鬼洞房 1939
The She-Ghost Gets Married
续女摄青鬼 1939
The Lady Ghost (Part 2)
妲己 1939
The Story of a Seductress
金丝蝴蝶 1939
Golden Butterfly
女摄青鬼 1939
The Lady Ghost
庄子试妻 1939
Chuang Tzu Tests His Wife
销魂大姐 1938
Pretty Lady
舍子奉姑 1938
Sacrifice of a Son
六月飞霜 1938
The Great Injustice
女人经 1938
Women's Bible
影坛风月 1938
Temptations of the Silver Screen
公子哥儿 1937
Born with a Silver Spoon
武松杀嫂 1927
How Wu Song Kills His Sister-in-Law
演员 (1)
武松杀嫂 1927
How Wu Song Kills His Sister-in-Law
1943 (2)
痴儿女(下集) 1943
Stubborn Lovers (Part 2)
痴儿女(上集) 1943
Stubborn Lovers (Part 1)
1941 (3)
麻婆寻仔 1941
A Mother's Madness
左慈戏曹操 1941
The Witty Taoist Master
红粉佳人 1941
My Beauty
1940 (5)
洪承畴 1940
Seduction on the Plains
梅花落 1940
Fall of the Plum Blossoms
望夫山 1940
The Faithful Wife
杀人王 1940
The King of Killers
编剧 , 导演
雍正皇夜盗香妃 1940
The Emperor's Nocturnal Tryst with the Concubine
1939 (11)
大破白莲教 1939
The White Lotus Menace
火烧石室 1939
Burning of the Stone Mansion
桃花命 1939
A Life of Romances
编剧 , 导演
女鬼洞房 1939
The She-Ghost Gets Married
续女摄青鬼 1939
The Lady Ghost (Part 2)
扫把精 1939
Spirit of the Broom
妲己 1939
The Story of a Seductress
续扭纹柴 1939
The Overbearing Mother-in-Law (Part 2)
金丝蝴蝶 1939
Golden Butterfly
编剧 , 导演
女摄青鬼 1939
The Lady Ghost
编剧 , 导演
庄子试妻 1939
Chuang Tzu Tests His Wife
编剧 , 导演
1938 (5)
销魂大姐 1938
Pretty Lady
编剧 , 导演
舍子奉姑 1938
Sacrifice of a Son
编剧 , 导演
六月飞霜 1938
The Great Injustice
女人经 1938
Women's Bible
编剧 , 导演
影坛风月 1938
Temptations of the Silver Screen
1937 (1)
公子哥儿 1937
Born with a Silver Spoon
1927 (1)
武松杀嫂 1927
How Wu Song Kills His Sister-in-Law
导演 , 演员