The Masters of Cinema organisation was founded in 2001 and was initially unrelated to Eureka Entertainment Ltd. The four co-founders of MoC were spread around the world (Canada, USA, and the UK) and together they contributed to the popular website mastersofcinema.org—a touchstone for the worldwide cinephile community. In early 2004, Masters of Cinema began collaborating with Eureka on The Masters of Cinema Series and in late 2008 Eureka consolidated their investment in the Series by acquiring the Masters of Cinema organisation outright. The Masters of Cinema Series is now a wholly owned label of Eureka Entertainment Ltd, London.
英国尤里卡公司有两个著名的品牌序列,一个是电影大师系列,即Masters of Cinema,简称MOC,有戏称为毛嗑版的,毛嗑即瓜子是也,北方叫法。另一个是尤里卡的经典系列,即Eureka Classics,尤里卡经典系列没有编号。